A cyclical journey from a computational perspective and its everyday anomalies

For some years now, I have believed that our history is based on a finite handful of facts, which are repeated with each cycle adjusted to the current time, but with the same structure. These cycles are getting smaller and smaller, because our unconscious somehow has already learned what is going to happen and goes through the journey more quickly.

That said, I see the story as a spiral with each segment being the same length, but it is completed in a shorter and shorter time. I am almost convinced that this works for everything in our lives and in some ways it comforts me.

I think we are currently experiencing an anomaly of time, a kind of universal collapse. A curly line in curly hair.

We can draw a comparison of life as if it were an operating system: you spend years installing new programs, new knowledge and suddenly you have to reset it, because the whole thing is getting very heavy. Finally, the system comes back, lighter, more agile, but sometimes something goes wrong and you have to uninstall something else for everything to work harmoniously again.

Try applying this perspective to some of your life's journeys, with a few adjustments, it always fits. The simple fact that this computational logic makes sense to me is already a realization that everything follows a single universal order.

It seems to me that the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus was quite a reason for us to reset our old life. As if a program installed in some countries was hindering the functioning of things and, because of this, we will need to review the entire system to try to regain harmony.

The fact is that even uninstalling some programs, they always leave traces and perhaps this is the most necessary learning that the planet imposes on us at this point: not even technology will be able to reset all the errors of our stay on Earth. We will need to live with them and accept that we, human beings, cannot shape the world.

Who knows anyone might?

Nagib Nassif Filho
CEO, Founder