Safe Cap


Sleep is one of the biggest causes of fatal accidents among truckers. How to create a device that alerts the trucker that it's time to stop and rest?


In partnership with GTB, we created the Ford Safe Cap: the first wearable capable of monitoring head movements and triggering alerts at the slightest sign of sleep on the steering wheel.

To do this, we invited real truckers to map their main movements and identify which were specific to the profession and which were signs of tiredness. This data model was then applied within software installed on the hat's hardware. At the first signs of sleep, an accelerator reacts instantly with vibrations, lights, and even sound.

With Ford Safe Cap, truckers rode safer in Brazil. But the news went around the world: it was launched at the largest truck fair on the planet and is part of the exhibition Wired to Wear, from the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago.

What have we done?

Solution architecture

Product design

PCB design

Firmware development

Production and assembly

Technical specification

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