The Amount of Your Tax


Create a tool that presents the social role behind the taxes we pay, and the reason for their importance, but that at the same time demonstrates the imbalance of this balance: how are the poorest those who pay the most taxes.


Bolha created and developed the mini-site “The Value of Your Tax” for Oxfam Brazil. Together with a team of economists, we created an equation that calculates, based on our average monthly income, how much tax we pay is transformed into social benefits per year. For example, a person with an average monthly income of R$ 5,000.00 finances, paying taxes, the equivalent of 7 elementary school students, 7 people receiving public health care, 471 kilos of garbage collected (per year); and those with an income of R$ 5,000.00 are among the richest 10% in the country - which opens up a discussion about what wealth is, given the size of social inequality in our country. These data and the calculation are a portrait of the economy in 2019, the year in which the project was developed.

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