Prius Challenge


Take a race controlled by neural sensors, where the strollers accelerate with the power of thought alone. Designed by Dentsu, the Prius Challenge presented the advantages of Prius hybrid technology in a unique interactive experience.


This unusual idea was born with a certain suspicion: is this really possible? We started the project with a miniature scale bench prototype to prove viability. And then we set out to produce the final project, where we created a track over 3 meters long.

The participants in the action wore a Neural sensor personalized (NeuroSky), capable of measuring attention and concentration levels, converting this data into speed for the cars on the track.

We co-created the layout design; we produced a CNC-Cut track from scratch and applied the conductive mesh; we co-created the model design and coordinated its execution; we modeled the cars, printed them in 3D and painted them; we customized Neurosky; and, of course, we developed all the participation mechanics that put NeuroSky together, Arduinos and Processing, in addition to the participation ranking.

The action attracted more than 4,000 players at Barra Shopping (RJ), Morumbi Shopping and the Latin American Electric Vehicle Show in São Paulo, and was featured in Jornal Nacional, SBT Rio, and in the main publications about cars in Brazil.

What have we done?

Feasibility analysis

Bench prototype

Product modeling

3D printing

Laser cutting and machining

UX and UXW

Firmware development

Development of immersive experiences

Field production

Remote and in-person support

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